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论文中 Existing researches 和 Existing research 用哪个比较好
通常来说,"Existing research" 在单数形式下是更常用的,因为它可以被视为是一个集合名词,表示所有现有的研究。但是,如果在文章中涉及到多个具体研究,也可以使用 "Existing researches" 来表示。总的来说,两者都是可以使用的,具体使用哪个取决于你的个人喜好和文章的语境。
论文中 Existing stydy 和 Existing study 用哪个比较好
通常来说,正确的拼写是 "Existing study",因为 study 是单数形式。但是,如果你在论文中提到多个具体研究,也可以使用 "Existing studies"。总的来说,两者都是可以使用的,具体使用哪个取决于你的个人喜好和文章的语境。
检查语法:Existing study usually performs one-step-ahead forecasting of actual carbon prices but lack multi-step-ahead forecasting of carbon price trends.
"Existing studies usually perform one-step-ahead forecasting of actual carbon prices but lack multi-step-ahead forecasting of carbon price trends."
把 "study" 改成 "studies",以使其与后面的动词形式一致。
"Existing studies usually predict actual carbon prices, rarely consider the trend of prices, and lack a reasonable explanation for the model's predictions."
"However, existing studies usually predict actual carbon prices, seldom consider the trend of prices, and do not attach enough importance to providing reasonable explanations for the model's predictions."
"However, existing studies usually predict actual carbon prices, seldom consider the trend of prices, and do not provide reasonable explanations for the model's predictions."