linux rz

2023-04-24by@baiyang0126-WFGTd&@ChatGPT.Model: gpt-3.5

rz is a command-line tool used for file transfer between a local machine and a remote machine using the Zmodem protocol. It is commonly used in Linux systems for transferring files over a serial connection or a terminal emulator.

To use rz, the remote machine must be running a Zmodem-capable terminal emulator or communication software. Once the connection is established, use the rz command to initiate the file transfer from the local machine to the remote machine. The rz command will prompt the user to select the file(s) to transfer.

Example usage:

  1. Establish a connection to the remote machine using a terminal emulator or communication software that supports Zmodem.

  2. On the local machine, navigate to the directory containing the file(s) to transfer.

  3. Type the following command to initiate the transfer:


  4. Select the file(s) to transfer using the interactive file selection dialog.

  5. The file(s) will be transferred to the remote machine and saved in the current working directory.


yum 安装docker


To install Docker using yum on a Linux system, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal window and log in as the root user.

  2. Update the system package database by running the following command:

    sudo yum update

  3. Install the required dependencies by running the following command:

    sudo yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2

  4. Add the Docker repository to the system by running the following command:

    sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo

  5. Install Docker by running the following command:

    sudo yum install docker-ce

  6. Start and enable the Docker service by running the following commands:

    sudo systemctl start docker
    sudo systemctl enable docker
  7. Verify that Docker is installed and running correctly by running the following command:

    sudo docker run hello-world

This will download a small test image and run it in a container. If Docker is running correctly, you should see a message indicating that the container was successfully created and executed.




CentOS 6 is an older version of CentOS and Docker does not officially support it anymore. However, you can still install Docker on CentOS 6 by following these steps:

  1. Install the EPEL repository by running the following command:

    sudo yum install epel-release

  2. Install the required dependencies by running the following command:

    sudo yum install -y device-mapper-libs device-mapper-event-libs

  3. Install Docker by running the following command:

    sudo yum install -y docker-io
    sudo service docker start
  4. Verify that Docker is installed and running correctly by running the following command:

    sudo docker run hello-world

This will download a small test image and run it in a container. If Docker is running correctly, you should see a message indicating that the container was successfully created and executed.

Note: Docker on CentOS 6 may not be compatible with some of the latest features and functionalities. It is recommended to upgrade to a newer version of CentOS or use a different operating system that is officially supported by Docker.


