First germination count (FGC): the same procedures
as the germination test were used in carrying out this test, however, registering the percentage of normal seedlings larger
than 3.75 cm obtained on the third day after sowing, and the
results were expressed in percentage of normal seedlings
(TeKrony et al., 1987; Nakagawa,1999).
Seedling vigor classification (SVC): performed with
four subsamples of fifty seeds per replication, together with
the germination test. The normal seedlings that had essential
structures that were well-formed and larger than the others
were classified as strong (vigorous), whereas those that
had some problem in their structure or had injuries (but not
characterized as abnormal to the seedling) and were smaller
than the previously described seedlings and little developed
were classified as weak, as described by Nakagawa (1999).
The results were expressed in percentage of “strong” seedlings.
Tetrazolium (TZ): conducted with two subsamples of
fifty seeds per replication per seed lot. Initially, the samples
were pre-conditioned in moistened germination paper and
kept for 16 h in a seed germinator at 25 oC. At the end of this
period, the seeds were transferred to plastic cups (50 mL),
immersed in tetrazolium salt solution (0.075%) and kept for
2.5 h in a laboratory oven at 40 oC. After staining, the seeds
were washed in running water and evaluated according to the
criteria described by França-Neto et al. (1999). The results
were expressed in percentage of viable and vigorous seeds.
Accelerated aging (AA): the seeds were distributed on
stainless steel screens in a single layer within a plastic box
(11.0 x 11.0 x 3.5 cm), containing 40 mL of water in the
bottom, and kept at a temperature of 41 oC for 24 h (Costa et
al., 1984) within an accelerated aging chamber. After aging of
the seeds, the germination test was performed on four fifty-
seed subsamples, according to the method described above.
After the aging period, seed water content was determined
(Table 1) by the laboratory oven method (Brasil, 2009).
加速老化(AA):将种子分布在不锈钢筛子上,在塑料盒(11.0 x 11.0 x 3.5 cm)内单层放置,盒底含40毫升水,在加速老化箱中保持41℃的温度24小时(Costa等人,1984)。种子老化后,根据上述方法对四个含有五十个种子的样品进行萌发测试。老化期结束后,使用实验室烤箱法(Brasil,2009)确定种子含水量(表1)。
Table 1.
Values of initial water content (IWC) and water content after accelerated aging (WCAA) of eleven soybean seed lots
of the cultivars BRS 388 RR, BRS 1010 IPRO, BRS 1001 IPRO and BRS 1007 IPRO.
十一个大豆种子批次的初始含水量(IWC)和经过加速老化后的含水量(WCAA),这些种子属于品种BRS 388 RR,BRS 1010 IPRO,BRS 1001 IPRO和BRS 1007 IPRO。
Seedling emergence in the field (SEF): conducted
at experimental farm of EMBRAPA Soja, Londrina, PR
(23o28’44.72’’S, 50o59’03.24’’W). It was performed with four
one-hundred-seed subsamples per replication, per seed lot. Seeds
were sown on November 1 st , 2016 – they were treated with
fungicide and insecticide (Standak®) and distributed in 4-m-length
furrows at a depth of 5 cm. The distance between furrows was 30
cm, and seeds were sown in moistened soil. Rainfall (mm) and
relative humidity (%) data in reference to the period of conducting
the test are shown in Table 2. Emerged seedlings were counted at
fifteen days after sowing, and results were expressed in percentage
of emerged seedlings.
田间幼苗出苗率(SEF):在巴西林多利亚州隆德里纳的EMBRAPA Soja实验农场(23o28'44.72''S,50o59'03.24''W)进行。每个重复测试使用四个含有一百个种子的样品。种子于2016年11月1日播种,经过杀菌剂和杀虫剂(Standak®)处理,并在深度为5厘米的4米长犁沟中分布。行间距为30厘米,种子播种在湿润的土壤中。有关测试期间的降雨量(mm)和相对湿度(%)数据请参见表2。出苗的幼苗在播种后十五天进行计数,并将结果表示为出苗幼苗的百分比。
Seedling emergence in sand (SES): performed with two
one-hundred-seed subsamples per replication per seed lot.
The test was conducted in a greenhouse, using plastic boxes
containing sand as a substrate and performing irrigation
whenever necessary. At the end of the test, at twelve days,
normal seedlings were counted and the percentage of seedling
emergence in sand was determined.
Indications of soybean seed vigor levels considering the
results of the electrical conductivity test were defined based
on performance of the seed lots observed in the germination
and vigor test evaluated. In addition to the results of this study,
elaboration of the vigor levels considered reference values of
some authors such as Colete et al. (2004) and Vieira et al. (2004),
which were used as an indication to separate soybean seed lots
into different vigor levels, indicating possible performance in
the field, considering climate conditions.
An error occurred with your deployment
The value of each replication used for statistical analysis was
the result of the mean value of ten subsamples for the electrical
conductivity test, of two subsamples for the tetrazolium and
seedling emergence in sand tests, and four subsamples for the
tests of germination, accelerated aging, first germination count,
seedling vigor classification and seedling emergence in the field.