find ip of my macbook on local network

2025-03-17by@tim&@ChatGPT.Model: GPT-4o

find ip of my macbook on local network


To find the IP address of your MacBook on a local network, you can follow these steps:

  1. Using System Preferences:

    • Click on the Apple logo in the top-left corner of your screen and select "System Preferences."
    • Click on "Network."
    • In the list on the left, select the network connection you're using (e.g., Wi-Fi or Ethernet).
    • Your IP address will be displayed on the right side, under "Status" for that connection.
  2. Using Terminal:

    • Open Terminal (you can find it in Applications > Utilities, or by searching for it using Spotlight).
    • Type the following command and press Enter:
    • Look for the network interface you're using (for Wi-Fi, it’s usually en0). Your IP address will be listed next to inet.
  3. Using the Status Bar:

    • If you're connected via Wi-Fi, click the Wi-Fi icon in the menu bar.
    • Hold down the Option key, and click the Wi-Fi icon again.
    • You’ll see additional details about your Wi-Fi connection, including your IP address.

These methods will help you find your local IP address on your MacBook.