In postgres, When I add a new row in table1 via API, the trigger is not run But When I add a new row manually, the trigger runs successfully, what can be the reason

2023-04-14by@timqian&@ChatGPT.Model: gpt-3.5

In postgres, When I add a new row in table1 via API, the trigger is not run
But When I add a new row manually, the trigger runs successfully, what can be the reason


There could be a few reasons for this:

  1. Check if the trigger is enabled: Make sure that the trigger is enabled on the table. You can check this by running the following command:

    SELECT trigger_name, event_manipulation, action_statement
    FROM information_schema.triggers
    WHERE event_object_table = 'table1';

    This will show you all the triggers on the table and their status.

  2. Check if the API is executing the trigger: The API may not be executing the trigger when a new row is added. Check the API code to ensure that it is executing the trigger when a new row is added.

  3. Check if the data being inserted meets the trigger conditions: The trigger may not be running because the data being inserted does not meet the conditions specified in the trigger. Check the trigger conditions to ensure that they are being met.

  4. Check if there are any errors in the trigger code: There may be errors in the trigger code that are preventing it from running. Check the trigger code for any errors or syntax issues.


Turns out it is related to the permission of trigger


Yes, that could be another reason. If the user that is executing the API does not have the required permissions to run the trigger, it may not execute successfully. You can check the permissions for the trigger by running the following command:

SELECT * FROM information_schema.trigger_privileges;

Make sure that the user executing the API has the necessary permissions to run the trigger. You can grant permissions to the user by running the following command:

GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION trigger_function_name TO user_name;

Replace trigger_function_name with the name of the trigger function and user_name with the name of the user that needs permission to execute the trigger.